that the first one is special - and as a matter of fact, that's how I feel. I really miss my first car. Unfortunately it was adopted by some people who didn't love it as much as I did and now it has wandered (i.e. pushed or towed) to a better place.
I would now like to read an awesome poem to you dear Lana.
Dear Lana
I remember the first time I sat down in your seat,
half chamois leather, half fabric and a button to adjust the heat.
Of course I didn't need that in the summertime,
which brings me to the next line, where I have nothing to make it rhyme.
Rear-wheel drive, turbo, and roof-hatch,
telling myself, dude, you've made a real catch.
Of course the winter season begged to differ,
rear planted in a snowdrift, friends are bitter.
So I sold you to a friend of mine, of various reasons,
fuelconsumption, mileage and winter seasons,
regret it to the day I die,
until we meet again,
Bye Bye.
Since I wrote a poem for Lana it would be rude of me to leave out my second car.So here my second awesome poem goes.
Dear LoisYou, as Lana, are names from Smallville and Clark Kent,whom I identified with, before I started to pay rent.When that day came, I had to give you up,so I could pay for soup, to go in my cup.After Lana I thought you were my dream car,but with time I realized, you were nothing but far - from it, that's why I'm so glad I sold you,piece of shit!Lois

I want a new car...