Monday, January 26, 2009

¡Mentira no!


I like spanish, both the language (even though I can't speak it) and the culture, and that's why I'm running late (again) with my somewhat ___ (insert appropriate word) recommendations. Mañana, mañana is a word I guess the most of us can relate to, at least to a certain degree. As I use the spanish culture for a sorry excuse for my delay, my recommendation today is linked to spanish. Orishas is a cuban hiphop group with
a lot of sweet-ass songs. Especially, I think El Kilo is a nice tune. Check it out!



Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pam Grier


Time for a new recommendation.
Jackie Brown. Watch it!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Daniel gjør ting han ikke kan - Part I

Yes, hello!

So, headline in norwegian this time. The reason for that my dear reader(s) is that my english isn't flawless, and I think it's more describable in my native tongue. Nonetheless, my agenda is to inform you about things I normally tend to perform at an outstanding-not-so-good-level or things I try for the first time. To protect my ego, let's say this was the first time I tried it.

The subject of today was cooking but as a student, I really don't cook much.. Or let's just say - I don't cook much. Period.

But today I thought I'd try something new. So I did. I made a mushroom soup. Generally I don't consider soup dinner, but that's what I wanted to do today. It was - believe it or not - quite good! I got the idea from a TV-show called "Halv åtta hos mig"or something.. I only watched that episode, so I'm not sure what it's all about. Anyway this woman made a soup which she called "Fulgod soppa"which can be translated to something like ugly-ass-looking-but-tasteful-soup.

The recipe is as follows:

4 scallions
A number of champignons (you can use other mushrooms as well.. this was what I had)
4 cloves garlic
Some Chevre cheese (?(goatcheese?))
Some milk
Some cream
A buillon cube
Some pepper

Fry the scallions, the cloves and the champignons in margarine and cooking oil, while simultaneously boiling water and doing that magic stuff with the buillon cube. The you add milk and cream and cheese. Throw the fried stuff (except the garlic.. That's just for flavour, no need to throw then in the mix) into the milk-and-cheese-and-cream-and-buillon-casserole, let it cook for a few minutes and there you go!

End of part I from Dani-hells-kitchen (ha ha, watch me play with words, watch me, watch me)!


Friday, January 9, 2009

Daniel's recommendation corner


As spare time is something I do have, and do not have - it makes perfect sense that I've made a deal with myself. The deal is that every week(-end), I'll contribute with something I feel worth sharing. This may be songs I favour
, movies I dig, good recipes, far destinations or anythink I simply like.

The recommendations for the first two weeks are music. The first one, is a swedish singer-songwriter, named
Melissa Horn, which was recommended to me by a swedish friend (thank you for that). Melissa Horn has, in my eyes.. or more correct, ears.. an amazing voice, apt lyrics, and in general a pretty solid debut album.

The second tip is one of the greatest songs (belonging to some of the best albums or the best album before the album) in 2008. The song is called
Spotlight and is performed by Inverse. If you have any self-respect you should check this song out. In fact you should check the whole album out. Now.

Those of you who think this is old news.. Yes. It is.. Nevertheless... it's already a classic, and such a classic deserves to be mentioned again. And again. And again.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Early Memory Lane

So, while I still got 2008 fresh in mind, I'm going to note down briefly what I did..

1. The first interesting thing I did was visit some friends in Trondheim. February I think.

2. Second.. I went to Spain in march to snowboard in Granada, Sierra Nevada, and to play some golf on Costa Calida.. fantastic Easter!

3. Junho. Surftrip to Ericeira, Portugal with some friends! Wonderful country, beautiful beaches, cheap alcohol, cheap food, fantastic vacation. Hopefully I'll go this year too. Excellent surfcamp! La Point: Obrigado!

Out to try the waves at São Julião beach.

Don't you just want to grab one and get out there?

4. Julio. After working for about a month I was set for a new vacation. 10 beautiful days in the south of Spain with a lot of sunbathing and bathing per se.

5. August. Drinking some beer, meet a lot of new people, and finally hitting the books. Statistics, cognitive psychology and language psychology.

6. August/october.. not really sure.. Anyway.. Stockholm, Jason Mraz, olives with feta cheese, guided boattrip around Stockholm, Gamla Stan, fantastic lamb meal at a Lebanese restaurant. Red Wine.

Gamla Stan

In between all this I've mentioned about 2008, there's a large amount of beer, wine, studying, working, training and some other not so interesting activities.

That about sums it up..


Monday, January 5, 2009

My first...

To start off, let's say what needs to be said. Happy New Year! We have just entered a new year and that means, new opportunities. Let's work out more, eat healthier, drink less, be kinder to people, save the environment, give money to homeless people. I'm not making any New Year resolutions here, I'm just suggesting.

So this is the first time I post on my rather senseless blog. I do not know what purpose it's supposed to serve, but I'm thinking that it may function as a little place where I can upload thoughts and pictures, maybe recipes (my personal cookbook hah(that sounds stupid in my norwegian ears))! , discuss whatever topic I want to discuss, or what others want to discuss, brag about my future trips to foreign countries, improve my english or anything that I feel like doing.

In addition to this general information, I can inform you that I slept for less hours than I can count on three fingers tonight, and that I have to go to work pretty soon. That means that my first post is pretty much over.

Have a good one!