Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hvad laver du?

So, the journey continued with the "danish-boat" (which is a perfect translation btw). Or the ferry from Kristiansand to Hirtshals. We (me and myfather, my new co-pilot) got up at 7 in the morning, drove on board, had a good breakfast and made ourselves comfortable for a three hour trip. It felt quite good. Leaving the snow and all. So.. a bit wavy... nothing to worry about... A little bit more wavy.. And then a little bit more. Four people in my close circulating area of space, one might say.. puking. The staff trying to prevent the interior from falling apart. Semi-successful. Nothing to do but get a glass of water, stare out the window, concentrate on not to be one of those who turn their insides - out. Great success! No puke today (To the man who had just ordered breakfast, only to be in the center of puke fest vol. 12.. I sympathize with you)!

So, safe and sound on the island of Denmark, this is not what we had hoped for. Snow. Thank God the godforsaken island is a flat one, and pretty straight forward. Three hours to cross the country, I think.

Windmills. Wow. Who would know?

So this is pretty much where the fun started. From Flensburg, Germany and all the way south. We were supposed to be in Frankfurt at 8 in the evening. But King Winter, had some plans on his own. 20 km/h for at least two hours, and up to 80 km/h (at the most) for two hours more, kind of leads to a degree of delay. We arrived in Frankfurt (or almost) at 2 a.m. Six hours later than planned. O joy. Queue and autobahn is the best! More later.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Madre mia

So the story starts 243km previous to the picture at the top, driving from Tromsø to Narvik. Due to the onset of pictures, let's call this part one.

As I was currently driving, I had to ask my mother to do a straight-outta-Narvik-drive-by-shooting with the camera, and the result is the picture at the top. The intended result of course, is the picture below. No hating. Unfortunately, the destination is not to be found on the signpost, but let's just write it down here: Destination: Granada, Distance: a shitload of km.

So, part two: about 1000 km later, I picked up my new co-pilot. Esben.

Part three: It turned out my windscreen washer malfunctioned. It froze. Not difficult to comprehend when it turns out that this was to be the coldest winter since God knows when. Anyway, despite the -26.5 degrees celcius, we kicked the cold-weather's ass, and heated up the windscreen washing fluid with some construction-heater-thing. Yeah, that's what it's called! Construction-heater-thing.

Part four: Lookylooky at the nice birdie!

Part five: The last destination in Norway before heading off to the land of Europe! More on that later!