Fuck you and fuck you swineflu. And fuck you Mr. Media. Especially you. In fact, you are the reason why I choose to use energy on this. I am so SICK of people scared to death due to your "accurate" presentation of what's going on in the world. This and the fact that people uncritically believe everything you say makes me wanna slap you (and them) in the face with a Fu#¤in cod. It's kind of funny actually. People believe that egg and bacon are the most dangeruos thing, with no focus whatsoever on the seasoning. Bird this, swine that, and no one gives a crap about the seasonal flu. Estimated rate of deaths by swineflu in infected non-risk groups (norwegians) are 0.001% according to the norwegian Minister of Health, and just to compare with the seasonal flu, between 1000 and 1500 dies from it every winter...
Of course, Mr. Media, you haven't been all that bad. You've probably done some good for a different subject you've used some energy on, namely the financial crisis. People buying gauze masks, anti bac and newspapers to read all about it. And my guess is.. In a few years, the aftermath is one hell of a market for people working with hypochondria, anxiety and stress-related disorders in general.
Let's hope I'm right!